Home > Artworks > Natalia K Parra Sierra

Photo of Natalia K Parra Sierra Colombia
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E-mail: nataliakparras@clear.net.nz Nationality: Colombian, born BogotDC, 8 June 1978. Study: Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Master of Fine Arts, Selective drawing, painting, prints, video, Computers and mandatory Escultura.Clases race: Aesthetics, materialization, Humanstica, Art History. Draft Grade (Exhibicin, portfolio and monograph). The Circus. Exhibitions: Equality exhibicin Plaza. Plaza de Bolivar, Bogota, Colombia...

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E-mail: nataliakparras@clear.net.nz Nationality: Colombian, born BogotDC, 8 June 1978. Study: Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Master of Fine Arts, Selective drawing, painting, prints, video, Computers and mandatory Escultura.Clases race: Aesthetics, materialization, Humanstica, Art History. Draft Grade (Exhibicin, portfolio and monograph). The Circus. Exhibitions: Equality exhibicin Plaza. Plaza de Bolivar, Bogota, Colombia Participant Group at the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Culture and Tourism Institute Mayor of Bogot.Tel: 3366511 October 1999 Maa Collective presentation of thesis work at the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, eighth semester. Second period 2001 CafEpic Exhibicin commercial individual, showing recorded in lithographs, metal, linoleum and technicians mixed. Wellington New Zealand. September / October 2002. Artistic community of Hutt Valley (Hutt Valley Community Arts) 2 Campbell Terrace, Fax (04) 5686553, Petone, Wellington, New ZelandaExposicin with immigrants to New Zealand artists. February 2003. FARSITE Galera (Gallery FARSITE) Petone, New Zealand. The exhibition name or Crossing Crossing Seas Seas, exhibition colectiva.Febrero / March 2003 Odlin Galera (Hutt Art Society Inc) 9 to 11 Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt, New ZelandaNombre of The exhibition, The Arty Party or the feast of art, exhibition of new artists. 2 / 13 July 2003 Naxos Kilbirne Galera, Wellington, New Zelanda.Trabajos sectioned. July / August 2003 House Galera Turnbull (Turnbull House Gallery) 11 Bowen Street, Wellington New ZelandaNombre of The exhibition, Global Eye or global eye, week of conservation 2004. International artists present, perspectives on the environment and conservacin.Patrocinio of: Department of conservation in New Zealand, Te Papa Atawhai. August 2 to 8 004 CafEl dancer Dog (The Dancing Dog Caf42 Albert Street, Footscray, Melbourne, AustraliaExhibicin individual. 6 August / September 6, 2004. Affordable Art's first event in New Zealand (First ever New Zealand Affordable Art Show) ParticipanteEvents Centre in Wellington, New Zelanda.La purpose of this project is, to show art in all media and technicians at different prices. This event also provides an opportunity for young artists to work with renowned artists offering original works to the public with prices asequibles.www.affordableart.co.nz / 12 / 15 August, 2004 by Art Drive (Driven by the Arts) Participant . Drive by Art on the initiative of the Wellington City Council (Mayor of Wellington)-based on the idea of ??creativity published, should be an important part in the life of the city. Drive by Art gives artists the opportunity of designing and painting a street pendn that to be seen daily by thousands of personas.Wellington Arts Centre, PO Box 2199, Wellington, Phone 04 3859602, mobile 0276649664, supported by Wellington City Council, New Zealand. March 8 June 2005 CrossOver (Art connecting our colorful capital) Participante.Exhibicin of artists and craftsmen from different ethnical groups around the city of Wellington, New Zealand, celebrating the day of humanas.Galera relations Academy of Fine Arts, Queens Wharf, Wellington, New Zealand04 2994444Patrocinado by Wellington City Council (Mayor of Wellington). 1828 March 2005 exhibition of arts and crafts and participante.Tres Curator amricanas Latino artists and crafts from different countries of Latin America, gathered for the first time this exhibicin that had different artistic expressions in the new arts center the city of Wellington, New Zealand, (Wellington Community Arts Centre), 61-63 Abel Smith Street, Wellington, New Zealand May 28 to June 16 2005

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